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SEA Scope: Pemutaran Film-film Asia Tenggara

SEA Scope: Pemutaran Film-film Asia Tenggara

SEA Scope: Pemutaran Film-film Asia Tenggara
Rumah Buku/Kineruku
Jl. Hegarmanah 52 Bandung
Jumat-Sabtu, 6-7 Agustus 2010
18:30 WIB

Jumat, 6 Agustus 2010, pukul 18:30 WIB. Ang Nerseri.
Sabtu, 7 Agustus 2010, pukul 18:30 WIB. Limang Libo, Hujan Tak Jadi Datang, Outing, Focal Point, Kuda Laut.

Pemutaran dan diskusi akan dihadiri oleh Elida Tamalagi (programmer SEA Scope)
dan Shalahuddin Siregar (sutradara Kuda Laut).


Beware of a silent dog and still water.” —Latin proverb

“The SEA Scope program aims to invite dear audience to take a closer look on how these films representing them in front of the sacred family value. The claim they represented as smooth as still water. Above all the stereotypical given to South East Asian countries, both for its cultural boundaries and cinematic style, two things seem naturally unavoidable: family value and subtle silence. As been watched in film festivals as well as the popular films showing at cinema around the corner, they become a growing formula for us, the SEA people, for telling a story. What possibility could such points draw in terms of narrative style in film from this region? And how could they affect the festival eyes in programming their SEA session? On top of it, how this phenomenon contributes in the contemporary social life of the region?
(Elida Tamalagi, SEA Scope Programmer)

This program is a special screening program drawn for audience in Yogyakarta with its special character entangled by the city itself. The audience are students and young artist, social activists and the broad public which have had experiencing various culture of cinema showing regularly by film festivals (Documentary Film Festival, Jogjakarta-NETPAC Asia Film Festival, Q! Film Festival) and regular screening held by various initiatives; in the other hand also the citizens of the world while Jogjakarta itself is a second largest tourist destination in Indonesia after Bali. These two points intertwined into a magnificent character of audience. The minor point is the uneglected part of Jogjakarta as a city who produces thousands of filmmakers (or gonnabes) who grows into generation with film festival awareness.

SEA Scope Cinema programming addressed to see how the theme offers another possibility to be read, both for those who sit back and relax in the audience armchair as well as the new generation of thoughtful and passionate filmmakers.


Vic Acedillo Jr. | Phillipines | 80 min | 2009

Cocoy, 12, takes on a great responsibility of taking care of his older siblings while his mother, Mai, goes to the province to get money to pay the expensive hospital bills for her three mentally sick children. His mother is gone for two weeks and Cocoy’s struggle in managing his personal, school and home life is a nerve-racking challenge. Click here for more information.





Ice Idanan | Philippines | 10 min | 2009

Limang Libo is a film about two people who live separate lives and are unaware of each other’s existence. The two characters are Susan and Manuel, both of lower class stature; both lead simple lives. Click here for more information.

Yosep Anggi Noen | Indonesia | 16 min | 2009

They bring a sofa into a room that is too small and don’t know how or where to turn. But the man and the woman who are working for the furniture company didn’t choose the hotel room as a joke. They want to know what they think of each other. A serious question. Click here for more information.


Jow Zhi Wei | Singapore | 17 min | 2009

A grandfather and his grandson go on a seemingly innocent outing as they visit places that hold memories for them. It is a story that acknowledges life through the relationship of two people who only have each other. Through their simple journey, the need for companionship and the sacrifices one has to make are brought to the fore.


Alireza Khatami & Ali Seiffouri | Malaysia/Iran | 12 min | 2009

An old photographer has a magical camera, a legacy from his ancestors. People come to him to find out who their soul mate are. It is not always a happy story when a couple discovers they are not meant for each other. Once in a while he takes his own pictures to add to the growing collections of his loved one’s photographs. Then one day she herself shows up. Fearing that he might not appear in her photograph he lays awake at night. Next day he places his own photographs in the package that he has to hand to her.

Special Screening:


Shalahuddin Siregar | Indonesia | 25 min | 2009

Kuda Laut adalah cerita bagaimana dua orang harus berhadapan dengan konstruksi masyarakat tentang orientasi seksual dan pernikahan dan menyerah pada konstruksi bentukan itu. Aji, 26 tahun, dan Bayu, 28 tahun, sudah berpacaran selama empat tahun. Aji seorang fotografer yang menetap di Yogyakarta dan Bayu mempunyai toko batik warisan keluarganya di pasar Klewer, Solo. Pada usia yang hampir 29 tahun, Bayu dihadapkan pada kemauan keluarganya untuk segera menikah dan punya anak, sementara Aji yang selama ini lebih terbuka tentang orientasi seksualnya tidak bisa melarang Bayu untuk menikah. Film ini adalah penggambaran hari-hari terakhir menjelang pernikahan Bayu. Klik di sini untuk informasi tambahan.

* * *

Acara ini terselenggara berkat kerjasama Kineruku dan Kinoki.

[UPDATE: Reportase acara ini bisa dibaca di tautan ini.]

Comments (2)

  1. Nova 15 years ago

    Ada kesalahan di tanggal acara ya?

    • rukukineruku 15 years ago

      Iya! Untung diingatkan. Makasih ya! Acaranya 6 dan 7 Agustus 2010.

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