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Moon Shadow Book 1: Danse Macabre – Taja Sukarya

Moon Shadow Book 1: Danse Macabre – Taja Sukarya

Rp 200.000,00

Penerbit: Binatang Press!
Tahun Terbit: 2019
Tebal: 84 halaman, dicetak di atas Storaenso Bookpaper dengan 2-color risograph
ISBN: 9-786025-095139

Kondisi: Baru

A graphic novel set in a world ruled by animals. Where a broken childhood, a love affair and a hastily-made wish leads a young lapin on a journey into darkness. The Danse Macabre comes.

SKU: BIN021-BTJ Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight0.3 kg
Dimensions15.5 x 21.5 x 1.5 cm


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