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Adopt/Adapt – Vira Hutami Sukowati

Adopt/Adapt – Vira Hutami Sukowati

Rp 120.000,00

Penerbit: Kamboja Press
Tahun Terbit: 2019
Tebal: 36 halaman
Spesifikasi: Black and red risograph inks on certified paper

Kondisi: Baru

the idea of consuming images were built as we live in the age where we didn’t have the responsibility to worry about the complex issues of the humanity, or the urge to set the majority’s independence anymore.

when we started to feel selfish-that ourselves are also in the lack of independence itself. so we started to become apathetic to the external world and instead, we reach out the things that will babysit us and build us internally and also there’s this tv in the living room with their own fictionalized characters that we felt like, they represent us in certain ways, also mom’s gadget where we can discover all these free spirited people with their own characters which we feel a bit of ourselves were rooted in the way they solved their problems, the way they speak.

I feel like, they were free enough to translate their mind and their imaginary form of self into their physics, it was like those hard shells you construct to make yourself safe, or at least to make the impression from the others to see you in certain ways you desire.

SKU: KAM011-BTJ Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight0.2 kg
Dimensions15 x 21 x 0.5 cm


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